Ashley Twomey - The Golden Top Model
We've known Ashley for many years and she has been a top model across many promotional industries. We had several wonderful opportunities to work with this amazing super model and created many eye-arresting photos. Here are some from various shoots together with one of the interviews that we did with her:
W&HM: Three words describing your personality
Ashley Twomey: motivated, funny, and outgoing
W&HM: One sentence to sum up your modeling experience
Ashley Twomey: I started off as a print model and expanded in the automotive and promotional industry I now work in every kind of field of modeling and I love it!
W&HM: Two pieces of advice for new models?
Ashley Twomey: Make sure to do your research on companies and the people you chose to work with, make your rate according to your experience but never work for free. Never be late show up on time hustle and build your network!
W&HM: Most favorite quote you can share with us
Ashley Twomey: do something today that your future self will thank you for!
W&HM: Carnivore or vegetarian?
Ashley Twomey: In between ;)
W&HM: Professionally cooked or home made?
Ashley Twomey: I love eating out but I also enjoy making a good home cooked meal when I have the time it is more intimate and special.
W&HM: One thing you regretted that you bought?
Ashley Twomey: Clarisonic brush they're absolutely awful lol
W&HM: One thing you are proud of buying lately?
Ashley Twomey: My new car!
W&HM: Dream place for vacation?
Ashley Twomey: Fiji or bora bora
W&HM: retail therapy or online spree?
Ashley Twomey: Online spree while couch loungin
W&HM: One secret talent / skill that most people don't know?
Ashley Twomey: I love to do makeup I also act!
W&HM: If you write a message in a bottle, what would it be?
Ashley Twomey: It would depend on who the message would be sent to... if it were a stranger something inspirational if it were to a man I loved something heart felt.
W&HM: Organization freak or organized chaos?
Ashley Twomey: Freak! OCD lol jk not that bad
W&HM: Movie, video or youtube?
Ashley Twomey: I love movies
W&HM: Driver seat or passenger seat?
Ashley Twomey: Passenger for sure I don't like driving and hearing back seat drivers!
W&HM: Air con or windows down?
Ashley Twomey: Windows down especially by the ocean
W&HM: Dream car?
Ashley Twomey: I8 or Lambo
W&HM: High heels or bare foot?
Ashley Twomey: Bare foot on carpet
W&HM: Leataher or lace?
Ashley Twomey: Lace
W&HM: Pajama suit or birthday suit?
Ashley Twomey: Love comfy pjs !
W&HM: Meditation or punching a bag?
Ashley Twomey: Meditation and the gym
W&HM: How people can follow you and/or work with you?
Ashley Twomey: They can check out my website at www.ashleytwomey.com and book me and follow my social media networks by adding @ashley2me on Instagram or Snapchat! Thank you!!!