Leng Yein, The Female Asian Model DJ Sensation! And Our Cover Model too!
W&HM: Dog, or cat, or ...?Leng Yein: Horse
W&HM: Carnivore or vegetarian?
Leng Yein: Omnivore
W&HM: Favorite dish?
Leng Yein: Asian street food
W&HM: Three words describing your personality
Leng Yein: Bold . Fabulous . Kind
W&HM: One sentence to sum up your modeling experience
Leng Yein: Constantly taking my "puppies" for a walk around the world
W&HM: Any advice for new models?
Leng Yein: Be originally YOU
W&HM: Secret to any success?
Leng Yein: be super hardworking , dedicated , on time & professional
W&HM: One recommendation about people relationship
Leng Yein: stay Honest
W&HM: Most favorite quote you can share with us
Leng Yein: I will die when it is my time to die. So let me live the life i wanted to live.
W&HM: Favorite color?
Leng Yein: Pink / Black(Recently)
W&HM: Favorite coin?
Leng Yein: None
W&HM: Favorite city?
Leng Yein: LA
W&HM: Favorite travel destination?
Leng Yein: Europe
W&HM: Morning lark or night owl?
Leng Yein: Night. Definitely
W&HM: Professionally cooked or home made?
Leng Yein: Street food
W&HM: Movie or video or youtube?
Leng Yein: movie
W&HM: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn?
Leng Yein: Facebook & Instagram
W&HM: Driver seat or passenger seat?
Leng Yein: passenger on driver's seat ? No ?! *laughs
W&HM: Beach or mountain?
Leng Yein: Beach !!!!!
W&HM: High heels or bare foot?
Leng Yein: High heel
W&HM: Pajama suit or birthday suit?
Leng Yein: Birthday suit OF COURSE !!!
W&HM: Wasabi, Tabasco, or Sriracha?
Leng Yein: tabasco
W&HM: Meditation or punching a bag?
Leng Yein: punching someone
W&HM: Talk or Text?
Leng Yein: Talk
W&HM: How people can follow you and/or book you?
Leng Yein:
Instagram http://www.instagram.com/lengyein
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/lengyein
Leng Yein's pictorial by Py Pai